Welcome to the Applied Cryptography Group at TU Darmstadt. We develop and analyze next-generation cryptographic algorithms and protocols and investigate their application in practice. You can find more information about our group on this webpage.

Applied Cryptography

Cryptography is the science of information encryption, researching the basics of IT security and developing cryptographic algorithms. Among other things, the research looks at novel attack models in which attackers exploit weak points in the implementation of a cryptographic algorithm. For example, attackers can completely circumvent the safeguards on modern chip cards or smartphones by measuring the device's power consumption or deliberately incorporating back doors into the cryptographic software. To prevent such and similar attacks, new cryptographic protection mechanisms are being developed in the Applied Cryptography department.

Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies are another research focus of the department. The most well-known blockchain-based payment method is Bitcoin, but also Ethereum, a distributed system in which complex, so-called smart contracts can be executed decentrally, is very popular. Smart contracts enable automated payments to be linked to any complex program-controlled conditions. For example, dividend payments of a share or mechanisms for crowdfunding can be fully automated and without middlemen.

Foto von Sebastian
Picture: Roberto Schirdewahn

Prof. Sebastian Faust, Ph.D.

Prof. Faust is a member of the Department of Computer Science since 2017. He is head of the department of Applied Cryptography, where he is working on protection mechanisms for cryptographic implementations and blockchain technologies.


Visitor Address: S2|20, 3rd Floor, Pankratiusstraße 2, D-64289 Darmstadt, Germany

Postal Address: Chair of Applied Cryptography| Informatik | TU Darmstadt | Pankratiusstraße 2| D-64289 Darmstadt | Germany

Phone: +49 6151 16-25716

Fax: +49 6151 16-25717


For all other matters please contact