CNS - Cryptography and Network Security
Welcome to the Cryptography and Network Security (CNS) website. The group was started in November 2018 as part of a Claude Shannon Fellowship funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), and the Hessian State Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Arts (HMWK) within ATHENE. The group is led by Dr. Jean Paul Degabriele.
The research focus of the group lies at the intersection between Cryptography and Network Security. Specifically we are interested in cryptographic solutions to research problems emerging from practical applications broadly related to Secure Network Protocols. Our approach is often based on the well-established provable security methodology which serves as the theoretical foundation for cryptography and allows for a rigorous and scientific treatment of these research problems. In the process we also strive to bring theory closer to practice, by extending the theoretical models to better reflect practice. Our research has touched on ubiquitous secure protocols like IPsec, SSH, Tor, and EMV (the Chip & PIN credit card standard). More generally, other topics of interest include symmetric cryptography, secure channels, onion encryption, countering mass surveillance, and cryptographic primitives resilient to subversion.
Visitor Address: S2|20, 1st Floor, Pankratiusstraße 2, D-64289 Darmstadt, Germany
Postal Address: Cryptography and Network Security Group | Computer Science | TU Darmstadt | Pankratiusstraße 2 | D-64289 Darmstadt | Germany
Phone: +49-6151-16-25734
Fax: +49-6151-16-22487
E-Mail: jean_paul.degabriele@tu-…