Summer term 2023
- Performance Engineering (Seminar)
- Compiler Tooling (Practical course)
- Advanced Seminar (Oberseminar)
Winter term 2023/24
- Automated Code Generation (Seminar)
- Performance Engineering (Practical course)
- Advanced Seminar (Oberseminar)
Summer term 2024
Automated Code Generation (AutoCode)
- Examples of Domain Specific Languages (DSL)
- Automatic or Algorithmic Differentiation
- Automatic Generation of Code
Seminar Materials
Slides for the seminar and additional material will be published through Moodle.
Rotation: Annually, each summer term. Schedule changes to winter term in term 2022/23.
Performance Engineering (PEng) – Seminar
- Architecture and organization of heterogeneous platforms
- Execution models for heterogeneous platforms
- Programming frameworks for heterogeneous platforms
Seminar Materials
Slides for the seminar and additional material will be published through Moodle.
Advanced seminar / Oberseminar
In the advanced seminar of the Scientific Computing group current research results are presented and discussed. Speakers are staff of the Scientific Computing Group, Students who are writing theses at the Scientific Computing group, and guests. Generally, the talks are open to the public.
Precondition: Introductory Lectures related to parallel computing and scientific computing.
Rotation: Annually, each term
Compiler Tooling
The course covers the construction and usability of compiler technology to construct static analysis and source to source transformation tools. Moreover, the course provides insight in and is closely related to current research activities at the institute.
The course is a practical course, referred to as internship in TuCAN, and covers areas of application for compiler technology besides the generation of executable code. In particular, the usage of Clang/LLVM to construct static analyzers and source to source translators is discussed and practically approached.
- Compiler intermediate representations
- Construction of static analysis tools using Clang/LLVM
- Construction of transformation tools using Clang/LLVM
Course outline
The practical part is accompanied by a few lectures presenting the necessary information. The lectures present both application areas as well as technical details needed for the actual implementation work.
Materials, links, and lecture times are made available via the course Moodle.
Performance Engineering (PEng) – Practical Course
Starting winter term 2022/23.
General Computer Science 1 (AI 1)
In summer term 2024 – 2026, we offer the service lecture for other faculties.
Heterogeneous Parallel Programming (HeteroProg) – Seminar
- Architecture and organization of heterogeneous platforms
- Execution models for heterogeneous platforms
- Programming frameworks for heterogeneous platforms
Systemnahe und parallele Programmierung (SPP) – Lecture
In winter term 2021/22 and 2022/23, we offer the lecture “System and Parallel Programming” SPP.
Parallel Programming (PPROG) – Lecture
The course aims to teach students fundamental and advanced concepts of parallel computing. Topics include memory systems, different paradigms of programming parallel computers (OpenMP, MPI, CUDA/OpenCL) and scalability and efficiency of parallel algorithms and systems.
Course Content
- Foundations of parallel programming
- Parallel architectures, i.e. multi- and many-core computers with shared and distributed memory
- Message-Passing Interface (MPI), OpenMP, OpenCL programming standards
- Building blocks of parallel computations
- Criteria for the design of parallel algorithms
Summer term 2024
- General Computer Science 1 (AI 1, Lecture) Tucan / Moodle
- Performance Engineering (Seminar) Tucan / Moodle
- Compiler Tooling (Practical course) Tucan / Moodle
- Advanced Seminar (Oberseminar) Tucan
Winter term 2023/24
- Automated Code Generation (Seminar)
- Performance Engineering (Practical course)
- Advanced Seminar (Oberseminar)
Summer term 2023
- Performance Engineering (Seminar)
- Compiler Tooling (Practical course)
- Advanced Seminar (Oberseminar)
Winter term 2022/23
- System and Parallel Programming (Lecture)
- Performance Engineering (Practical course)
- Advanced Seminar (Oberseminar)
Summer term 2022
- Automated Code Generation (Seminar)
- Performance Engineering (Seminar)
- Advanced Seminar (Oberseminar)
Winter term 2021/22
- System and Parallel Programming (Lecture)
- Compiler Tooling (Practical course)
Summer term 2021
- Automated Code Generation (Seminar)
- Performance Engineering (Seminar)
Summer term 2020
- Automated Code Generation (Seminar)
- Performance Engineering (Seminar)
Winter term 2019/20
- Compiler Tooling (Practical course)
- System and Parallel Programming (Lecture)
Summer term 2019
- Automated Code Generation (Seminar)
- Performance Engineering (Seminar)
Winter term 2018/19
- Compiler Tooling (Practical course)
Winter term 2017/18
- Compiler Tooling (Practical course)
Summer term 2017
- Automated Code Generation (Seminar)
- Heterogeneous Parallel Programming (Seminar)
Winter term 2016/17
Because of Prof. Dr. C. Bischof's sabbatical there are no seminars or lectures offered from the institute for Scientific Computing in this semester.
Summer term 2016
- Automated Code Generation (Seminar)
- Heterogeneous Parallel Programming (Seminar)
Winter term 2015/16
- Programming parallel computers (Lecture)
Winter term 2014/15
- Foundations of Computer Science 3 (Lecture)
- Programming parallel computers (Lecture)
Summer term 2014
- Automatic Code Generation and Programming (Practical course)
Winter term 2013/14
- Programming parallel computers (Lecture)
Summer term 2013
- Automatic Code Generation and Programming (Practical course)
Winter term 2012/13
- Programming parallel computers (Lecture)
Summer term 2012
- Semantic Transformations (Lecture): A series of four lectures is presented by Prof. Robert van de Geijn of the University of Texas at Austin as part of our lecture. More
- Semantic Transformations (Seminar)
Winter term 2011/12
- Programming parallel computers (Lecture)