Prof. Dr. Christian Bischof


work +49 6151 16-27277

Work S1|03 8
Hochschulstraße 1
64289 Darmstadt

Research interests

  • Performance analysis
  • Performance engineering
  • Automatic differentiation and automated code generation
  • Parallel algorithms and high performance computing
  • Source analysis and transformation tools
  • Google Scholar

A short story of my professional life

Born 1960 in Aschaffenburg, I began studies in Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Würzburg. In 1983 I moved to Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, supported by a Fulbright scholarship, where I received a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science in 1988. After various scientific activities at the Mathematics and Computer Science Division of Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois, I moved to RWTH Aachen University in 1998, and took over the leadership of the computing center and the chair of the Institute for Scientific Computing. In July 2011, I took over, in a similar setup, the university computing center (HRZ) and the Institute for Scientific Computing of TU Darmstadt. Due to personal reasons, I stepped down as lead of HRZ in January 2022.

Awards and distinctions

  • 1983 – 1984 Fulbright Fellowship.
  • 1986 – 1988 Mathematical Sciences Institute Fellowship, Cornell University.
  • 1988 – 1989 First recipient of the Wilkinson Fellowship in Computational Mathematics, Argonne National Laboratory.
  • 1990 Best paper award (with Philippe Lacroute) at the CONPAR 90/VAPP IV Joint Conference on Vector and Parallel Processing for the Paper “An adaptive matrix blocking strategy”, Zürich, September 1990.
  • 1995 Jointly with Alan Carle recipient of the Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software for the ADIFOR 2.0 System at the ICIAM, Hamburg, Germany.
  • 2005 Offer of full professorship in Scientific Computing at the University Hamburg, in combination with the position of director of the German Climate Computing Center (
  • 2008 Best Application Paper Award (with B. Hentschel, I. Tedjo, M. Probst, M. Wolter, M. Behr and T. Kuhlen) at the IEEE Visualization, Columbus, U.S.A.


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