Learned Partitioning

Cloud vendors provide ready-to-use distributed DBMS solutions as a service. While the provisioning of a DBMS is usually fully automated, customers typically still have to make important design decisions which were traditionally made by the database administrator such as finding an optimal partitioning scheme for a given database schema and workload.

In this project, we learn how to partition a distributed DBMS for OLAP-style workloads using Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL). The main idea is that a DRL agent learns the cost tradeoffs of different partitioning schemes and can thus automate the partitioning decision. In the evaluation, we show that our advisor is able to find non-trivial partitionings for a wide range of workloads and outperforms more classical approaches for automated partitioning design.


  Name Contact
Dr. rer. nat. Benjamin Hilprecht


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