Dr.-Ing. Manisha Luthra Agnihotri (né Luthra)

Working area(s)

Future Data Systems, DFKI


Work S2|02 A322
Hochschulstraße 10
64289 Darmstadt

  • Stream processing and Complex Event Processing
  • In-network processing
  • Applied machine learning

Manisha Luthra joined the Data Management Lab as a Post-doctoral researcher in July 2021. She has recently defended her dissertation titled “Network-centric Complex Event Processing” with a focus on three core problems of adaptivity, efficiency, and interoperability in the context of stream processing and complex event processing systems. In her thesis, she proposed solutions in these core problems and made significant contributions to improve the performance of placement and execution of continuous queries in highly dynamic and modern networks. Her research interests now span over the intersection of stream processing systems and applied machine learning.

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