Dr. rer. nat. Muhammad El-Hindi
Working area(s)
Security and Systems
S2|02 A309
Hochschulstr. 10
I joined the Systems Group as PostDoc in September 2023 after I defended my dissertation titled “Towards Efficient Trustworthy Data Systems”.
My main research field lies in the intersection of security and database technology, including using Hardware Enclaves such as Intel SGX or Distributed Ledger Technology. I am also a member of the Center for Secure Distributed Ledgers and Contracts which aims at developing new secure as well as decentralized solutions and offers consulting & training for industry partners. Further, I am part of the National Research Center for Applied Cybersecurity ATHENE.
Besides databases and DB research, I am interested in all kinds of sports. I have a passion for playing football and recently, I have started to play squash.
Feel free to shoot me an email at muhammad.el-hindi@cs.tu-…, or, if you're on campus, stop by my office in S2|02 E115 to talk about the latest and greatest in databases and security :)

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