Dr.-Ing. Robin Rehrmann
SAP, HANA Campus
Working area(s)
- Multi-query optimization
- Sharing resources
- Parallel execution
- OLTP queries
I supervise or have supervised the following students or interns:
- Martin Keppner (2019/2020): Performance Optimization of an Enterprise Application under Full OLTP Workload with Query Sharing (master thesis)
- Minh Nguyen (2019/2020): Merging OLTP Transactions on CUDA GPUs (intern)
- Johannes Wehrstein (2019): Merging OLTP Transactions on CUDA GPUs (Lab)
- Andreas Bauer (2018): Shared SIMD Scan (Lab)
My name is Robin Rehrmann, I am in my final year as PhD student. My topic is Merging Queries in OLTP workloads.
I do my PhD at the SAP HANA Campus in Walldorf with Prof. Lehner of the TU Dresden. I joined the Data Management Lab in 2016, because Prof. Binnig is my Co-Supervisor.
Before doing my PhD, I have completed a dual B. Sc. degree with Fraunhofer SCAI, where my thesis focused on speeding up the LU-transformation within a pipeline of CPU and GPU. I continued doing my M. Sc. at the KIT with focus on operating systems and parallel computing; my thesis was about solving linear algebra systems with approximate computing on CPUs and GPUs.
Besides databases, I like people, going to church, playing board games, and listen to, discuss, make and write music.
Feel free to shoot me an email at r.rehrmann@sap.com.
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