
InfraRed Indoor Scout – Local Positioning System (IRIS-LPS) is an optical infrared local positioning system. The tracked objects carry active tags that emit infrared signals which are received by a stationary mounted stereo-camera. The system is based on cheap off-the-shelf PC components, is easy to deploy, and features a large range of coverage. It is capable of tracking a large number of tags without significant performance impact, since the sampling rate remains constant with an increasing number of tags.

The system was installed in a lecture hall to determine its accuracy. The camera was mounted in front of the blackboard at a height of about 3 meters. Because the camera is fitted with wide angle lenses, it can cover nearly the full room which measures 15.1 x 9 meters. The Root Mean Square (RMS) error calculated from 138 test points was 16.67 cm. Thus, the system can cover a medium-sized lecure hall and distinguish between seats.

With these properties, the IRIS system fills the gap between infrared badge systems with a very low resolution, and high-accuracy optical tracking systems that can only cover a few cubic meters.

Former Project Member

  • Dr. Erwin Aitenbichler


  • Prof. Dr. Max Mühlhäuser