Research focus
Ubiquitous Computing (UC) – also often called Pervasive Computing or Ambient Intelligence – introduces a large variety of new computing devices, vastly different in terms of size, processor speed, memory capacity, and user interface. In contrast to the PC-era, UC no longer relies on a single device – its real power emerges from the intelligent cooperation of many devices. One major aim of this area is the development of system software for applications spanning multiple devices, thereby providing the equivalent to a classic operating system, but tailored for UC systems. In addition, we investigate architectures, development processes, and tools for the development of ubiquitous computing systems.
Research Project
-- Middleware for Ubiquitous Computing (UC) -- The communication middleware MundoCore was specifically designed for the requirements in mobile and ubiquitous systems. Applications can build on a rich set of different abstractions (Publish/Subscribe, Distributed Object Computing, and streaming) on a wide range of underlying devices, operating systems, and programming languages. MundoCore comes with a number of system services and tools that further ease the developers' lives. MundoCore
- Prof. Dr. Max Mühlhäuser
Former group members
- Dr. Aristotelis Hadjakos
- Dr. Erwin Aitenbichler
- Gerhard Austaller
- Fernando Lyardet