Smart Interaction (under revision)

Research Focus

Interaction with applications and digitally augmented products more and more often takes place away from the desktop in dynamic ubiquitous computing settings. In our Smart Interaction group we address this problems by supporting the usage of distributed interaction systems. Our main research focus are Intelligent User Interfaces for Post-Desktop Interaction.



A smart product is an autonomous object designed for self-organized embedding into different environments in the course of its lifecycle, supporting natural and purposeful product-to-human interaction. Smart products proactively approach the user, leveraging sensing, input, and output capabilities of the environment: they are self-, situation-, and context-aware. The related knowledge and functionality is shared by and distributed among multiple smart products and emerges over time.


ADiWa is a project funded by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) dedicated to explore the potential of the Internet of Things and smart interaction for enabling intelligent and more efficient business processes.


Letras provides a novel toolkit for the support of pen-based interaction in mobile and ubiquitous computing settings.



  • Prof. Dr. Max Mühlhäuser

Research Staff

  • Marcus Ständer

Former Group Member

  • Dr. Daniel Schreiber (Group Leader)
  • Dr. Melanie Hartmann
  • Felix Heinrichs