TraCINg - TUDa Cyber Incident moNitor
TraCINg TraCINg stands for “TUD Cyber Incident moNitor” and as the name implies it is a centralized cyber incident monitor based (mostly) on honeypots.
TraCINg TraCINg stands for “TUD Cyber Incident moNitor” and as the name implies it is a centralized cyber incident monitor based (mostly) on honeypots.


The primary goal of this project is to enhance security awareness of ordinary users by demonstrating how fast are malware propagating over the Internet. This is accompanied by human-friendly visualizations, replay capabilities, useful information and statistics.

The sensors currently deployed are based on Dionaea Honeypots running on raspberry pis as well as on the HosTaGe mobile honeypot.


This project was developed as part of a bachelorpraktikum for Summer semester 2013. TraCINg is open source and the code for each of its components can be found here!


A live demo can be found here.


  • Dr. Emmanouil Vasilomanolakis
  • Dr. Shankar Karuppayah
  • Dr. Mathias Fischer