Dr. Ephraim Zimmer
Working area(s)
Research Associate
work +49 6151 16-23191
S2|02 A105
Hochschulstr. 10
Research Interests:
- Possibilities, boundaries, and risks of insider attack detection and prevention
- Principles and recent developments of privacy enhancing technologies
- Mechanisms of user activity monitoring as basis for threat prevention and digital forensics
- Classical cryptography, post-quantum cryptography and cryptanalysis
- Network security, tools, and techniques
Short Biography:
Ephraim works as a PostDoc and Scientific Coordinator in the Research Training Group "Privacy and Trust for Mobile Users". He is also one of the program coordinators of the IWS-Master at the IT department of TU Darmstadt.
He received his PhD in Computer Science in Oktober 2020 at the University of Hamburg, where he worked on his thesis on the topic of privacy-friendly mitigation of insider threats between 2016 and 2020.
For that, he joined the working group Security in Distributed Systems of Prof. Dr. Hannes Federrath in 2014 and since then he organised and provided lectures, seminars, projects, and excercises. He supervised students, who worked on their Bachelor and Master thesis, and he successfully applied for and supported attracted research projects.
In 2014, Ephraim graduated as Diplom-Informatiker at the TU Dresden with a major in IT security and privacy. His diploma thesis on the theoretical and practical integration of post-quantum cryptography into
IPsec/IKEv2 ranked 2nd in the CAST Förderpreis IT-Sicherheit 2014.
Before that, he was granted a one-year-scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for studying abroad at Auckland University of Technology (AUT), New Zealand, where he extended his knowledge in digital forensics and network security. Alongside his studies, he worked as teaching assistant at AUT University and delivered lectures and tutorials in mathematics and IT.

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