TK’s journal article to receive best paper award


The article “Novel Packet Switching for Green IP Networks” by Seng-Kyoun Jo (ETRI Korea and TK), two more ETRI authors, Jussi Kangasharju (former TK Postdoc, now full professor in Helsinki) and Prof. Mühlhäuser was awarded the 2018 best paper award by the ETRI Journal.

ETRI is one of the leading research institutes in wireless communication with more than 2500 patents filed, and an internationally renowned computer science and communications research organization with close to 2000 researchers. Started as an ETRI-only technical venue, the ETRI journal soon became an internationally recognized, officially ranked open access journal of high reputation (IF: 1,116 (JCR), H: 37).

Seng-Kyoun Jo is a researcher at ETRI and PhD student at TK (spending extensive visiting periods at our lab). The award recognizes his hard and dedicated research work and the efforts of all authors.

In addition, we consider the award as a recognition of the timeliness and importance of green ICT – in an era where ICT energy use represents a substantial fraction of the global power consumption, where data centers are headed to become the world’s biggest polluters, and where speculators earn fortunes based on schemes that just “burn” huge amounts of energy for “proofs of work”.

This article is definitely only a microscopic step towards reducing energy consumption – in our case: in the Internet core. A lot more such contributions are needed to save our planet.