Paper accepted at the International Conference of Computational Science 2020 – (ICCS 2020).
The paper “On the Automated Assessment of Open-Source Cyber Threat Intelligence Sources” was accepted at International Conference of Computational Science 2020, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 3-5 June, 2020.
In this paper, TK researchers proposed an approach to automate the assessment of cyber threat intelligence sources and predict a relevance score for each source. Specifically, a model based on meta-data and word embedding was defined and experimented by training regression models to predict the relevance score of sources on Twitter.
Citation Info:
Tundis A., Ruppert S., Mühlhäuser M. (2020) On the Automated Assessment of Open-Source Cyber Threat Intelligence Sources. In: Krzhizhanovskaya V. et al. (eds) Computational Science – ICCS 2020. ICCS 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12138. Springer, Cham.