Prof. Mühlhäuser finished his successful sabbatical leave at USI and UCSD
As part of his sabbatical leave (summer semester 2022), spent two months at Università de la Svizzera Italiana in Lugano (CH) and three and a half months at University of California, San Diego. Prof. Mühlhäuser
In Lugano, he had continuous exchanges with leading researchers in the field of ubiquitous computing, namely Ms. Prof. Santini and Prof. Langheinrich and their groups. Prof. Santini serves as editor in chief of IMWUT, ACM’s leading journal on Mobile, Wearable, and Ubiquitous Computing, organized as rolling proceedings of the flagship conference Ubicomp, and Prof. Mühlhäuser is serving on the IMWUT editorial board.
In San Diego, Prof. Mühlhäuser led projects with summer interns. TK postdoc Dr. Sebastian Guenther co-led the projects, both remotely and during his physical presence at UCSD in August. Publications about the projects are in their makings.