
General Information

We offer supervision of both Bachelor and Master theses on topics relating to Cryptography, Network Security, and Privacy. Areas of interest include:

  • Software implementation of cryptographic primitives and schemes in order to analyze their security and efficiency and potentially improve upon the state of the art.
  • Security analysis of symmetric cryptographic designs, secure channels, and other cryptographic schemes.
  • Analysis of secure Internet protocols such as TLS, SSH, IPsec, QUIC, Signal, Tor, and PGP.
  • Applying Machine Learning techniques to break Privacy Enhancing Technologies.

Students are expected to have an appropriate skill set for the project they want to pursue, and to have taken at least one course in cryptography. If you are interested in pursuing a thesis with a member of our group contact us directly.

Master Theses

Georg Schmidt A Security Evaluation of Autocrypt 01.2020 – 07.2020
Johannes Leupold Evaluating the Efficacy of Gaussian Padding against Website Fingerprinting Attacks 03.2021 – 09.2021

Bachelor Theses

Martin Bach A Security Analysis of WebRTC Applications 10.2021 – 04.2022