Visual analytics is the science of analytical reasoning facilitated by interactive visual interfaces. It combines , information visualization / data mining , machine learning and data storage technologies to gain knowledge from large datasets. human-computer interaction
Research at GRIS addresses a series of aspects related to Visual Analytics:
- Create novel visual analytics systems for analysis of networks, spatio-temporal data, movement data, time series, and multi-variate data
- Integration of novel data analysis algorithms and interactive visualization
- Creating solutions tailored to specific user needs in a variety of application areas such as medicine, transportation, or biology finance, journalism, sports, esp. soccer
Application Areas
supports the analysis of data from the medical field. GRIS is involved in a series of projects and collaborations with doctors, physicians, and personal health endeavors. Medical Data Analysis
Finance: analysis of market developments, analysis of shareholding networks, analysis of transactions and their networks, risk analysis.
Journalism: explore large collections of text documents in order to find interesting pieces of information
Transportation: analysis of frequent movement patterns (pedestrians, traffic), analysis of transportation networks, analysis of emergency paths
Meteorology: analysis of temperature trends, analysis of earth measurement data
Biology: we support analysis and comparison of phyllogenetic data, deer or bird movement data, biological networks such as protein interactions, etc.