Seminars & Practical Courses

Winter Term 2023/2024

During winter term we offer the following seminars and practical courses:
Advanced Visual Computing Lab (P4) (VB) Th. 19.10.2023 15:20-17:00 S207/109
Augmented and Virtual Reality Lab (P4) (VB) Tu. 17.10.2023 13:30-15:10 S103/11
Creating an IT-Start-Up (P4) (VB) Mo. 16.10.2023 09:50-10:50 S103/121
Internship Teaching – Computer Graphics I (P3) (VB) Mo. 16.10.20231 17:00-18:40 S305/324
Visual Computing Lab (P4) (VB) Th. 19.10.2023 15:20-17:00 S207/109
Visual Trend Analysis (S2) (VB) Mo. 16.10.2023 13:30-15:10 S103/9