Interactive Graphics Systems Group

The Interactive Graphics Systems Group is focusing on a wide range of research topics in the field of Computer Graphics, such as the Geometric Search and Semantic Modeling for Digital Libraries applications, Visual Inference and Digitisation in Computer Graphics, Medical Image Processing and Visual Search and Analysis. The Interactive Graphics Systems Group is headed by the Managing Director Prof. Fellner, who is also directing the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research (IGD) since 2007.

Interactive Graphics Systems Group

Department of Computer Science

TU Darmstadt

The Interactive Graphics Systems Group is focusing on a wide range of research topics in the field of Computer Graphics, such as the Geometric Search and Semantic Modeling for Digital Libraries applications, Visual Inference and Digitisation in Computer Graphics, Medical Image Processing and Visual Search and Analysis. In addition, the department both offers introductory lectures, such as Computer Graphics I and II, Visual Computing, as well as higher lectures. more

The Interactive Graphics Systems Group is headed by the Managing Director Prof. Fellner, who is also directing the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research (IGD) since 2007.
