Welcome to the website of the Chair for Implementation Security at the Technical University of Darmstadt. The chair is headed by Prof. Dr. Amir Moradi and was established on October 1, 2023 at the Department of Computer Science. Here, you find information about our projects, research, and teaching activities.

Implementation Security

Implementation Security is dedicated to ensuring physical security, with a particular focus on vulnerabilities that arise in the implementation of cryptographic algorithms and systems. This research explores attack models in which adversaries exploit physical properties and vulnerabilities of hardware to breach security mechanisms. For example, side-channel analysis attacks exploit unintentional information leaks such as power consumption, electromagnetic emissions, or timing variations to extract sensitive data. Similarly, fault injection attacks deliberately introduce faults into a system to expose and exploit vulnerabilities.

The research focus of the chair is on the security of implementations. A large part of our research is dedicated to hardware security, protection against physical attacks (side-channel analysis and fault-injection attacks), security analysis of real-world systems particularly internet of things, and efficient hardware and software implementation of cryptographic primitives. This includes various implementation platforms like ASICs, FPGAs, and micro-processors. The chair offers courses for both Bachelor and Master study programs in IT-Security as well Computer Science/Engineering. The chair typically consists of about 8 research assistants including PhD students and PostDocs as well as often external visiting researchers.

Amir profile

Prof. Dr. Amir Moradi

Prof. Moradi is a member of the Department of Computer Science since 2023. He is head of the Chair for Implementation Security, where he is working on physical security of embedded systems, passive and active physical attacks, and the corresponding countermeasures.



Visitor Address: S4|14, Mornewegstrasse 30-32, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany

Postal Address: Chair of Implementation Security | Department of Computer Science | TU Darmstadt | Mornewegstrasse 30-32 | 64293 Darmstadt | Germany

Phone: +49 6151 16-25712
