Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Reiner Hähnle
work +49 6151 16-22364 (Sekretariat)
fax +49 6151 16-22361
S2|02 A204
Hochschulstraße 10
I am a professor at the Computer Science Department of TU Darmstadt.
I lead the research group "Software Engineering".
Internships and PhD positions: please read this
We announce open positions here: Vacancies
See the list of my publications and also DBLP and Google Scholar.
generally, Formal Methods in Software Engineering – specifically I am involved in the following projects:
- Formal verification of object-oriented software, see KeY project
- Formal modeling and specification of highly adaptive software systems: I am one of the designers of the concurrent abstract behavioral modeling language ABS
- Debugging and Program Understanding by Visualization of Symbolic Execution, see Symbolic Execution Debugger
- Formal modeling and analysis of complex genetic circuits in biological systems: LOEWE project CompuGene
- Formal modeling and analysis of railroad operations: project FormbaR with Deutsche Bahn Netz AG as part of the TU Darmstadt-Deutsche Bahn AG Innovation Alliance
- The LOEWE project Software-Factory 4.0 (SF4.0) is a 4-year project funded by the German State of Hesse. SF4.0 is concerned with the adaptation of legacy software due to changed requirements and technical advances.
- Automated Theorem Proving, mainly TABLEAUX methods
- Formal Reasoning in Many-Valued Logic
- I am on the editorial board of the Journal of Automated Reasoning published by Springer-Verlag. The journal solicits contributions on all aspects of mechanized reasoning including all kinds of applications such as verification. Feel free to contact me if you are interested to submit an article.
- I am on the editorial board of FoLLI Publications on Logic, Language, and Information, a subseries of Springer LNAI
- I am on the editorial board of FoMaC, LNCS Transactions on Foundations for Mastering Change, a journal published by Springer-Verlag.
- Huy Quoc Do (2017) is a Postdoctoral researcher at University of Stuttgart.
- Antonio Flores Montoya (2017) works at GrammaTech.
- Martin Hentschel (2016) works at itemis AG.
- Nathan Wasser (2016) works at SharpMind and as a Postdoctoral researcher in my group.
- Ran Ji (2013) is a post doctoral fellow at Carnegie Mellon University, US.
- Niklas Sörensson (2008) is an independant consultant for applications of his world-leading SAT solver MiniSat.
- Daniel Larsson (Licenciate 2006) works at QRtech AB.
- Tobias Gedell (Licenciate 2006), (PhD 2008, co-supervisor) works at Quvic AB, Sweden.
- Wojciech Mostowski (2005) is an Assistant Professor at University of Halmstadt, Sweden.
- Angela Wallenburg (Licenciate 2004) works at AdaCore, UK.
- Thomas Baar (2002) is a Professor for Software Technology and Databases at University of Applied Sciences (Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft) Berlin.
- Martin Giese (2002) is Full Professor at University of Oslo, Norway.
- Wolfgang Ahrendt (2001) is an Associate Professor at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.

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