5th International Workshop on CPAchecker
The goal of the 5th International Workshop on CPAchecker is to bring together researchers and practitioners that are interested in the open-source verification framework CPAchecker. The presentations include new concepts and algorithms in CPAchecker, application to interesting problems, experience reports, and discussion on further directions of the open-source project. The workshop is a presentations-only event, i.e., there are no proceedings.
Date and Location
September 28th/29th, 2020 online
The timezone for the event is Darmstadt local time, i.e. Central European Summer Time, UTC+02:00.
Monday, 28th of September
2:00pm Opening
Speaker: Marie-Christine Jakobs
2:45pm Recent advances of CPAchecker within Klever
Speaker: Evgeny Novikov
(opens in new tab) Slides
3:15pm Break
3:30pm Searching for data races with support for RCU
Speaker: Vadim Mutilin
(opens in new tab) Slides
4:00pm Violation Witnesses and Result Validation for Multi-Threaded Programs
Speaker: Karlheinz Friedberger
(opens in new tab) Slides
4:30pm Break
4:45pm CFA mutations for automatic debugging CPAchecker
Speaker: Oleg Petrov
5:15pm Fault-Localization with CPAchecker
Speaker: Thomas Lemberger
(opens in new tab) Slides
Tuesday, 29th of September
1:30pm Informal Get Together
2:00pm Loop summaries as Horn clauses (ongoing work)
Speaker: Gidon Ernst
(opens in new tab) Slides
2:30pm Cooperative Verification using Invariants
Speaker: Jan Haltermann
3:00pm Break
3:15pm From Configurable Towards Self-Configuring Program Analysis
Speaker: Cedric Richter
(opens in new tab) Slides
3:45pm Information Weaving for Test-Case Generation
Speaker: Sebastian Ruland
(opens in new tab) Slides
4:15pm Break
4:30pm Panel discussion
5:30pm Closing
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Marie-Christine Jakobs
Semantics and Verification of Parallel Systems