Nadja Geisler M.Sc.
Working area(s)
Machine Learning for Data Engineering
fax +49 6151 16-25602
S2|02 E112
Hochschulstraße 10
- Explainable Artificial Intelligence
- Post-Hoc Interpretations for Black Box Machine Learning Models
- Ethical, Responsible and Sustainable AI/ML
- Natural Language Processing
I have studied at TU Darmstadt and received a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, and two Master's degrees, Computer Science with a minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Internet- and Web-based Systems. In March 2020 I started working at the Data Management group, supervised by Prof. Carsten Binnig, and pursuing a Dissertation in the area of Explainability/Interpretability of in Maschine Learning systems.
I am interested in various areas where Computer Science intersects with areas such as ethics, society, equality etc. Within Computer Science I specialize in Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence with a focus on responsible AI.
I have been active in the student council, various university commitees, the Conference of German-speaking Computer Science Student Councils, CCC events, as well as initiated and organized the first CASTrm in 2019.
- DESIRES 2021: Quest: A framework for query-driven explainers on tabular data. Best Presentation Award Proceedings Recording
- DESIRES 2021: Netted?! How to Improve the Usefulness of Spider & Co. Proceedings Recording
- 36c3 2019: Der Deep Learning Hype – Wie lange kann es so weitergehen? [More Information, Recording, German, English and French translation available]
- CASTrm 2019: Badasses in Computer Science – and why we need to talk about them
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