G'Day from Sydney

We are at the 48th International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB)


Multiple members of our group came to Sydney and brought talks, demos and posters for VLDB'22 and the co-hosted AIDB workshop. Catch up on our work on site or online. We look forward to meeting you all!

Sydney Harbour, captured by Nadja Geisler

The Case for Multi-Task Zero-Shot Learning for Databases. (AIDB)

by Johannes Wehrstein et al.

Monday, AIDB Session 3, 14:45 (Sydney time) room C2.4


Zero-Shot Cost Models for Out-of-the-box Learned Cost Prediction(Research Paper)

by Benjamin Hilprecht and Carsten Binnig.

Tuesday Research Session 12: Machine Learning, AI and Databases 3 starting 13:30 (Sydney time) in room C2.5 or join remotely


DBMS Annihilator: A High-Performance Database Workload Generator in Action (Demo)

by Alberto Lerner, Matthias Jasny, Theo Jepsen, Carsten Binnig and Philippe Cudre-Mauroux

Wednesday, in the 10:30–12:30 & 13:30–15:00 demo session, room C3.3


Demonstrating Quest: A Query-Driven Framework to Explain Classification Models on Tabular Data (Demo)

by Nadja Geisler, Benjamin Hättasch, and Carsten Binnig

Wednesday, in the 10:30–12:30 & 13:30–15:00 demo session, room C3.3


Demonstrating CAT: Synthesizing Data-Aware Conversational Agents for Transactional Databases (Demo)

by Marius Gassen, Benjamin Hättasch et al.

Thursday, in the 10:30–12:30 & 13:30–15:00 demo session, room C3.3

Systems Group Members at VLDB'22
Systems Group Members at VLDB'22