RTG Retreat 2021 at Lufthansa Seeheim
In strict compliance with measures against the pandemic, RTG members as well as the associated PhDs, PostDocs and PIs finally came together in person again to have an extended Retreat at Lufthansa Seeheim conference hotel on November 4 and 5, 2021. The convention was opened with an introducing speech by Prof. Pieschl, followed by poster pitches held by all RTG PhDs and associated PhDs. Subsequently, supervision meetings took place where each PhD met her*his supervisor team consisting of their main supervisor and one PI and/or PostDoc from another discipline. The day ended with a nice dinner together.
The second day started with an opening speech by Prof. Mühlhäuser, followed by two matchmaking sessions where predetermined interdisciplinary groups brainstormed on prospective research projects together. After a nice lunch together, the members of each research area came together to discuss the research agenda and determine next steps. After the closing by Prof. Mühlhäuser and Prof. Pieschl, a mutual hike led us to the castle Heiligenberg in Jugenheim.
The conference was a great success: We could not only re-establish a great sense of togetherness but also have an enriching exchange of research interests and ideas. The PhDs had the opportunity to get a feedback about their scientific work from a broad group of researchers and initiate new research collaborations with our associates.