Cross-Continental Collaboration: Professor Mühlhäuser's Productive Academic Engagements


Revisiting the locations of his 2022 sabbatical at the US west coast, Professor Mühlhäuser had fruitful exchanges with world-leading experts in privacy & trust, ubiquitous interaction, and interactive media. In July 2023, he discussed recent progress in research on urban-scale data handling with the focus on privacy at the University of California, San Diego and several places in the Silicon Valley.

As the chair of the Steering Committee of the most impactful IEEE journal on multimedia – IEEE TMM – he represented the journal at the corresponding ICME conference in Brisbane, Australia, where he also awarded the IEEE T-MM 2023 Multimedia Prize Paper Award to the winners of this year’s best paper.

Professor Mühlhäuser contributed greatly to an interdisciplinary think-tank on economic issues of trust in digital services, organized by Prof. Rosemann from the Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, and had several status update meetings with the collaboration partners in the field of privacy and trust, most notably with Professor Varadharajan from the University of Newcastle, New South Wales.