A direct multiple shooting method for solving parameter identification and optimal control problems in systems of differential-algebraic equations
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Parameteridentifizierung in differential-algebraischen Gleichungssystemen.
Diploma thesis (München: Technische Universität, Mathematisches Institut, 1992). - Heim, A.; von Stryk, O.:
Documentation of PAREST – A multiple shooting code for optimization problems in differential-algebraic equations.
Report TUM-M9616, Fakultät für Mathematik, Technische Universität München (1996) 31 p.
(please click here for a PostScript version or a gzipped PostScript version or a PDF version (opens in new tab) of the report)
- BMBF-Project on Parameter identification, trajectory optimization, and real time control of industrial robots
- von Stryk, O.:
Optimization of dynamic systems in industrial applications.
In: H.J. Zimmermann (ed.): Proc. 2nd European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing (EUFIT), Aachen, Germany (Sep. 20-23, 1994) 347-351.
PostScript file (445kb), gzipped PostScript file (113kb), PDF file (opens in new tab)(272kb). - Heim, A.; von Stryk, O.; Pesch, H.J.; Schäffler, H.; Scheuer, K.:
Parameteridentifikation, Bahnoptimierung und Echtzeitsteuerung von Robotern in der industriellen Anwendung.
In: Hoffmann, Jäger, Lohmann, Schunck (eds.): Mathematik – Schlüsseltechnologie für die Zukunft (Springer Verlag, 1997) 551-564.
PostScript file (11722kb), gzipped PostScript file (452kb), PDF file (opens in new tab) (552kb).
The software PAREST is not in the public domain. However, it is available for license, without fee, for education and non-profit research purposes. Please contact the author at the address given below.
Any entity desiring permission to incorporate this software or a work based on the software into commercial products or otherwise use it for commercial purposes should also contact:
Prof. Dr. Oskar von Stryk
Fachgebiet Simulation und Systemoptimierung (Simulation and Systems Optimization Group)
Fachbereich Informatik (Department of Computer Science)
Technische Universität Darmstadt
D-64283 Darmstadt, Germany
E-Mail (preferred): stryk(at)
Phone: +49 6151-16-25560
Fax: +49 6151-16-25569