If you are interested in applying, please contact the email address below with the following information.
studarbeit "at" sim.tu-darmstadt.de
Subject: [<type>] >name>
Replace the placeholder <type> with corresponding abbreviation:
- BA for interest in a bachelor thesis
- MA for interest in a master thesis
- HIWI for interest in a student assistant position (e.g. tutor)
- PIDL for internship in teaching
- S for other work or activities
Replace the placeholder <name> with your first and last name.
Example for Bachelor Thesis – Subject : [BA] Maxi Muster
Email text:
Please send the following information in the text of the email and in the attachment if applicable:
- Current study program
- Study progress
- Intended implementation period
- Interests in the possible direction of the work (thematic preference and more methodological or more practical orientation)
- professional qualifications, special expertise and evidence
- special qualifications for the desired thematic orientation
- additional materials (e.g. performance record, curriculum vitae, …) facilitate the assignment to suitable topics, but are not obligatory