Our paper “Sharing Opportunities for OLTP Workloads in Different Isolation Levels” was accepted for the PVLDB Vol 13, 2020
In this paper, we present an approach for merging read statements within interactively submitted multi-statement transactions consisting of reads and writes.
Our paper “Towards Robust and Transparent Natural Language Interfaces for Databases“ was accepted for the ”Workshop on Human-In-the-Loop Data Analytics“ @HILDA/SIGMOD 2020
In recent years the field of research on natural language interfaces for databases (NLIDBs) has progressed considerably…
Our paper “The Tale of 1000 Cores: An Evaluation of Concurrency Control on Real(ly) Large Multi-Socket Hardware“ was accepted for the workshop ”Data Management on New Hardware" @SIGMOD 2020
In this paper, we set out the goal to revisit the results of “Starring into the Abyss […] of Concurrency Control with [1000] Cores” and analyse in-memory DBMSs.
In both submission cycles 7 out of 7 papers are accepted to SIGMOD 2020
The accepted papers in both cycles are…
Our Paper “Summarization Beyond News: The Automatically Acquired Fandom Corpora” was accepted to LREC 2020
We propose a way to automatically construct non-news summarization corpora and create three corpora using that approach
Our paper “DeepDB: Learn from Data, not from Queries!” was accepted to VLDB2020 Tokyo
The typical approach for learned DBMS components is to capture the behavior by running a representative set of queries and use the observations to train a machine learning model. We propose to learn a pure data-driven model.
36th Chaos Communication Congress: How sustainable is Deep Learning?
Our lab members Nadja Geisler and Benjamin Hättasch talked about about the Deep Learning Hype and its consequences and impacts at the 36C3 in Leipzig
In the first submission cycle 3 out of 3 papers are accepted to SIGMOD 2020
IDEBench: A new Benchmark for Interactive Data Exploration / DB4ML: An In-Memory Database Kernel with Machine Learning Support / DBPal: A Fully Pluggable NL2SQL Training Pipeline
FG DB Symposium 2020 on ML for Systems and Systems for ML
Get your seat now: http://www.fgdb-symposium.de/ for more info!
Our paper “DBMS Fitting: Why should we learn what we already know?” was accepted to CIDR 2020
In this paper, we propose an alternative approach to learn DBMS components.