Our extended abstract "ASET: Ad-hoc Structured Exploration of Text Collections” was accepted to ADIB 2021
We propse a new way to explore textual contents in a structured way
Our short paper "GalOP – Towards a GPU-accelerated OLTP DBMS” was accepted to DaMoN 2021
In this paper, we propose a GPU-accelerated transaction processing system.
Our paper "ReStore – Neural Data Completion for Relational Databases” was accepted to SIGMOD 2021
In this paper, we propose a automated approach for relational data completion.
Our paper "Towards Learned Metadata Extraction for Data Lakes” was accepted to BTW 2021
In this paper, we analyze how will learned approaches can generalize to new unseen data in real-world data lakes.
Our paper "DFI: The Data Flow Interface for High-Speed Networks” was accepted to SIGMOD 2021
In this paper, we propose the Data Flow Interface (DFI) – a new way for data processing systems to exploit high-speed networks.
Data Management lab is part of the new National High Performance Computing Network
Decision of the Joint Science Conference
Cooperative AI for the future of work – KompAKI
TU Darmstadt coordinates new competence center for labor research
Scalable data management for future hardware
DFG priority program enters second phase | TU Darmstadt with project successful
Our paper “AnyDB: An Architecture-less DBMS for Any Workload” was accepted to CIDR 2021
In this paper, we present a radical vision to architect databases in future.
Our paper “It’s AI Match: A Two-Step Approach for Schema Matching Using Embeddings” was accepted to workshop AIDB @ VLDB 2020
In this paper, we analyze how neural embeddings can be used in data integration.