Dr.-Ing. Ghada Dessouky
Since November 2014 Research Assistant
- at CYSEC and Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
2014 Research Assistant
- at Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Universität Stuttgart, Germany
2010-2013 MSc. Information Technology
(specialization in Embedded Systems Engineering) - INFOTECH Master’s Program
- at Universität Stuttgart, Germany.
SS 2009 Bachelor thesis: DAAD Exchange Scholarship
“Design of Transconductor-based CAB for FPAA in 90nm CMOS Technology”
- at Institute of Microelectronics, Universität Ulm, Germany
2005 - 2010 BSc. of Electronics Engineering
Research Interests
- Hardware-assisted security architectures
- Embedded and digital systems design
- Hardware/Software co-design
- FPGA-based computing
Open HiWi Positions & Theses
We have open positions in the following projects:
- Hardware-assisted security architectures and processor extensions
- Using machine learning for anomaly detection
- Verification of security properties of hardware designs
If you are familiar with digital design or machine learning and want to become part of one of our projects and participate in state-of-the-art research, please send us your application (CV, certificate(s) and any supporting documents) via email.
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