Course content
- Protection in Networked Systems: background, motivation, challenges
- Privacy: privacy definitions, models, data anonymity, communication anonymity
- Trust (Computational Trust): models and mechanisms
- Security & Economics
- Resilience: models, network intrusion detection systems, collaborative intrusion detection systems, honeypots
- Resilient networks: measurement of reslience and dependability, methods to increase resilience in networked systems
This lecture covers important topics which are part of the current research in the collaborative research center and CROSSING GRK-2050.
Teaching Staff
Name | Contact | |
| Priv.-Doz. Dr. habil. Andrea Tundis | TBA Mornewegstraße 26-32 | 64293 Darmstadt - 2nd floor |
| Dr. Lamya Abdullah | abdullah@tk.tu-... S2|02 A112 |
| Leon Böck | boeck@tk.tu-... S2|02 A121 |
Type | Time | Room | Start |
Lecture | 13:30 – 15:10 | S103/23 (changes will be announced on the Moodle) | Di, 12. Apr. 2022 |
Exam | TBA | TBA |