Dr.-Ing. Richard Eckart de Castilho
Postdoctoral researcher
work +49 6151 16-25299
fax +49 6151 16-25295
Hochschulstraße 10
I earned my Diplom in Computer Science at the TU Darmstadt in 2006. From that time until September 2008, I worked for the Linguistische Profile interdisziplinärer Register (LingPro) DFG project at the TU Darmstadt. I gathered more experience with the UIMA framework during a three-month stay at the IBM Watson Research Center in Hawthorne, New York.
Darmstadt Knowledge Processing Repository (DKPro)
I currently work as a technical lead on the Darmstadt Knowledge Processing Software Repository Project (DKPro). DKPro covers many projects. Some that I work more intensively on are listed below separately. My main responsibilities are development process optimization, release management, documentation and dissemination activities.
DKPro Core
DKPro Core is a collection of interoperable NLP components building up on the Apache UIMA framework. The project integrates many proven tools and resources from the NLP community into a common processing framework and to provide a common abstraction layer. Through the use of Apache UIMA, uimaFIT and Apache Maven, DKPro Core offers convenient access to NLP components and implementation of NLP pipelines. I am one of the main developers of DKPro Core.
DKPro Lab
DKPro Lab is a lightweight framework for parameter sweeping experiments. It allows to set up experiments consisting of multiple interdependent tasks in a declarative manner with minimal overhead. Data produced by a task for any particular parameter configuration is stored and re-used whenever possible to avoid the needless recalculation of results. Reports can be attached to each task to post-process the experimental results and present them in a convenient manner, e.g. as tables or charts. I am the main developer.
Apache uimaFIT™
Apache uimaFIT, an open source library that provides factories, injection, and testing utilities for Apache UIMA™. uimaFIT is a core technology at UKP because it greatly simplifies development of UIMA components. Thus it allows us to concentrate on implementing actual NLP functionality. I am a committer on the Apache UIMA project, working primarily on uimaFIT.
TT4J – TreeTagger for Java
TreeTagger for Java (TT4J) is an open source library which provides a Java API to Helmut Schmid's TreeTagger. TT4J is used by the DKPro TreeTagger UIMA component. I am the main developer.
JWPL – Java-based Wikipedia Library
JWPL (Java Wikipedia Library) is a free, Java-based application programming interface that allows to access all information contained in Wikipedia. I am a consulting developer.
I have co-organized the following events:
- 2016 May – Workshop on Cross-Platform Text Mining and Natural Language Processing Interoperability at LREC 2016 in Portorož (Slovenia)
- 2013 September – 3rd UIMA@GSCL Workshop at GSCL 2013 in Darmstadt (Germany)
- 2009 October – 2nd UIMA@GSCL Workshop at GSCL 2009 in Potsdam (Germany)
- Summer term 2011 – Unstructured Information Management (Software project)
- Winter term 2010/11 – Unstructured Information Management (Software project)
- Summer term 2010 – Unstructured Information Management (Software project)
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