Dr. Felix Günther awarded with ACM SIGSAC Doctoral Dissertation Award
Award for outstanding PhD theses in IT Security
At this year's flagship security conference ACM CCS 2019 in London, Dr. Felix Günther was awarded the ACM SIGSAC Doctoral Dissertation award on November 13, 2019. The highly competitive award recognizes internationally outstanding PhD theses in computer and information security and includes prize money of 1,500 US dollar.

With his dissertation „Modeling Advanced Security Aspects of Key Exchange and Secure Channel Protocols“, Dr. Felix Günther was honored for his impactful contributions on secure communications and the key management in the widely used TLS 1.3 protocol.
In his thesis, advised by in the Cryptoplexity (Cryptography and Complexity Theory) group, Günther studied the cryptographic security of modern communication connections on the Internet. The ability to communicate securely over the Internet today is a key technology enabling the pervasive digitization in all areas of modern life. At the same time, the demand for higher efficiency and security requires novel techniques for communication connections. In his work, Günther studied how those requirements on the cryptographic core of communication – key exchange and secure channel protocols – can be formalized and thus be applied generically to current and future protocol designs. The security models from his work enable capturing the practical behavior of modern designs more accurately and comprehensively. Günther's work thereby contributed in particular to the standardization process of the latest version of the world's most important security protocol, TLS (Transport Layer Security) 1.3, for which his contribution is explicitly acknowledged in the final standard. The results of his research were also published at top-tier conferences in the field, including ACM CCS, IEEE Security & Privacy, Crypto, and Eurocrypt. Furthermore his thesis was already awarded the computer science professor Marc Fischlin in september and the ERCIM STM WG Best Ph.D. Thesis Award in november. Dr.-Heinz-Sebiger-Preis of the DATEV-Foundation of future
The develops and supports the IT security profession through organization and sponsoring of high-quality research conferences and workshops. Most prominently, SIGSAC organizes the annual ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) as flagship conference in IT security. ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Special Interest Group on Security, Audit and Control (SIGSAC)