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Three questions for our new Dean for Student Affairs: Prof. Dr. Marc Fischlin

13.10.2017 von

Since October 1st, the Department of Computer Science has a new Dean for Student Affairs: Prof. Dr. Marc Fischlin, leader of the research group Cryptography and Complexity Theory (Cryptoplexity). Professor Fischlin talks about his goals as Dean for Student Affairs and the advice he would like to give to the students.

You are going to be Dean for Student Affairs for the next two years at the Department for Computer Science: Why did you want to become Dean for Student Affairs?

Teaching and research are important components of academic education, and the component „teaching“ is the one which new students experience directly from the beginning of their studies. Later, research becomes more dominant when they write, for instance, their Bachelor's or Master's theses. As Dean for Student Affairs you have the opportunity to become involved in both aspects while shaping them as well, which I regard as an honourable task.

What goals do you have during your mandate?

The Department of Computer Science is – according to data- the department with the highest number of students at TU Darmstadt. This causes big challenges for the members of the departmental office and is presently only manageable due to our experienced and resilient staff. Thus, organisational structures have to be adapted so that we can adequately deal with the high numbers of new students. I also believe that it is necessary to think about the issue of the low number of new female students at the Department. An important goal is to increase the number of female computer science students. However, several external factors play a role here, too. Another important point of my term refers to the possible transition to English-language Master programmes. The Department is in touch with the Executive Board in this regard.

What advice would you like to give to students, new students in particular?

New students should process the adjustment from school to the academic system as quickly as possible. The standard at a university as well as the personal responsibility is usually significantly higher compared to high school standards. My advice for students in higher semesters is that they should make use of their freedom and set their own academic core areas. Choose a subject that you are interested in and which inspires you.