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Opening Ceremony of the Computer Science Laboratories

Computer Science as a hands-on experience

10.07.2017 von

Eröffnung der Informatik-Labore. Bild: Natalie Wocko

Last Thursday, the new laboratories of the Computer Science Department were inaugurated with an opening ceremony and subsequent tours and demonstrations. In the elevated ground floor of the „Altes Hauptgebäude“ S1|03, former home to the workshops of the technical management, the research groups Telecooperation (TK), Simulation, Systems Optimization and Robotics (SIM), Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS), Visual Inference as well as the collaborative research centre Multi-Mechanisms Adaptation for the Future Internet (MAKI) will do their research henceforth.

Virtual chess. Image: Jan Bambach

Departmental Chairperson Prof. Dr. Mühlhäuser greeted the numerous guests and thanked the members of the laboratories for their tireless efforts to further the research at the Department. Afterwards, Vice President of the TU Darmstadt, Dr. Efinger, explained how the floor's restoration, which cost around four million Euros, turned out to be a big challenge.

After the ceremonial speech, the guests had the possibility to visit all the laboratories and gain insight into various research projects. Visitors could, amongst others, experience the Argonaut in action, a robot which was developed by SIM and has won the international ARGOS-Challenge. Furthermore, the guests were thrilled by the research on swarm intelligence for autonomous gathering and of the ping-pong and tic-tac-toe playing robots by the research group IAS. The visitors had also hands-on experience in the TK/MAKI laboratories, where they put on 3D glasses and tried out game gadgets, which were produced with a 3D printer to play, for instance, virtual chess.

The opening, which took place together with an annual Departmental colloquium and parallel to the Departmental Students' Representative Committee's summer party, was exciting and eventful for visitors as well as for the members of the lab tours. From now on, research and development can take place day and night in the laboratories, just as the Vice President of the TU Darmstadt wished for in his speech. We are looking forward to report on new successful projects in the future.

Hands-on experience. Image: Jan Bambach
Hands-on experience. Image: Jan Bambach