Ph.D. Program

Our department and the Technische Universität Darmstadt offer erarly career researchers an optimal research environment and a wide range of support opportunities to develop their potential. Work and research together with leading scientists on a safe and a thriving future!

Ph.D. Program

The Department of Computer Science awards the academic degree of a

  • Doctor of Engineering (Dr.-Ing.) or a
  • Doctor of Natural Sciences (Dr. rer. nat).

The title Dr.-Ing. is awarded upon the completion of a thesis which consists mainly of scientific engineering knowledge within the field of informatics.

The title Dr. rer. nat. is awarded upon the completion of a thesis which consists mainly of theoretical scientific knowledge within the field of informatics.

Good Scientific Practice

The Department of Computer Science has a strong commitment to good research practice, in line with the German Research Foundation's (DFG) code of good research practice. Further information on the TU Statutes: 'Principles for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice'.

It is highly recommended to start the process of admission already before or at the latest with the beginning of the work for the planned dissertation.

Please hand in a printout of your registration or enrolment together with the documents for the Departmental Doctoral Admissions Commitee. Alternatively, you can email the documents to .

Required documents are:

If the degree was not obtained at TU Darmstadt, the original documents must be submitted to the Dean's Office.

Depending on your University Entrance Qualification and Degree, you have to register or enrol via TUCan. Further information can be found at the University´s central websites.

Application Procedure

Initiation of the Doctoral Procedure

Cumulative Dissertation

Publication of the Doctoral Thesis

Declaration Relating to the Doctoral Thesis and Transfer of Rights (opens in new tab)

Doctoral Regulations

Notification regarding audio/video recordings of public thesis defences:

The Dean points out that audio or video recordings of public thesis defences at the Department of Computer Science are only allowed if all the attendees explicitly agree to the recordings.

This means that such recordings are generally prohibited due to violation of personality rights.

Secret recordings are punishable in reference to § 201 StGB.

Slides from the info event “Doing a doctorate at the Department of Computer Science”

Person of Trust for Doctoral Admissions

Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Reuter

If you have any problems or conflicts, you are welcome to contact the Department's Person of Trust or the other professorial members of the Doctoral Committee.