(Funding Period: 2014 - 2019)

Centrum für Digitale Forschung in den Geistes-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaften


CEDIFOR (Centre for the Digital Foundation of Research in the Humanities, Social, and Educational Sciences) is a Digital Humanities Centre, established in 2014. We intend to contribute to bridging the gap between research in the Humanities and computer based methods, and help researchers to master the characteristic problems in this process. We provide methodological expertise for advising researchers from the Humanities, Social, and Educational Sciences on adopting computer based methods in their research. This concerns the planning and operational stage of projects as well as the long-term provision of result data.

CEDIFOR is built on the experiences, the expertise, and the infrastructure of the LOEWE Research Cluster “Digital Humanities—Integrated Preparation and Analysis of Text Based Corpora” (2011-2014).


The centre sees itself as an innovative, research based platform for researchers from all fields of the Humanities. It offers a series of novel services for multi-modal data and supports the processing of research topics beyond established paradigms. CEDIFOR aims to provide innovative research along three dimensions, as displayed and explained in the chart below.

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  • {{ year }}

    • ({{ publication.date.toString().substring(0,4) }}):
      {{ publication.title }}.
      In: {{ publication.series }}, {{ publication.volume }}, In: {{ publication.book_title }}, In: {{ publication.publication }}, {{ publication.journal_volume}} ({{ publication.number }}), ppp. {{ publication.pagerange }}, {{ publication.place_of_pub }}, {{ publication.publisher }}, {{ publication.institution }}, {{ publication.event_location }}, {{ publication.event_dates }}, ISSN {{ publication.issn }}, e-ISSN {{ publication.eissn }}, ISBN {{ publication.isbn }}, {{ labels[publication.type]?labels[publication.type]:publication.type }}
    • […]

Number of items in this list: {{ publicationsList.length }}
Only the {{publicationsList.length}} latest publications are displayed here.

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CEDIFOR was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research from 2014 – 2019.