Prof. Dr. Iryna Gurevych elected as future president (2023) of the Association for Computational Linguistics

2020/11/05 by

It is our great honor to announce that the head of UKP Lab, Iryna Gurevych, was elected as VP-Elect of the Association for Computational Linguistics, starting on January 1st, 2021. She will hold the position of the ACL Vice President in 2022 and become ACL President in 2023.

The Association for Computational Linguistics is the most important professional organisation for computational linguistics worldwide. It organizes prestigious conferences such as *ACL with high-impact research in NLP. Prof. Gurevych will be responsible for strategic matters, which include leading the decision making for conference organisation, managing events and community debates, and moderating key operational meetings. In her new role, she will focus and further develop diversity across multiple dimensions. This includes

  • the integration of knowledge from diverse topics such as AI, linguistics and their subfields.
  • the promotion of diverse contributions such as theoretical and technical contributions but also novel language resources, datasets and new problem definitions.
  • the identification and the support of underrepresented countries and community members for a diverse community.
  • the creation of new research and community infrastructures for a diverse range of collaboration forms, such as conferences with on-site and online participation options.