ELLIS PhD Program Application Portal Open
We are pleased to announce the is now open! You can still see the ELLIS PhD Program application portal. Note that the deadline is November 15th, 2021. call for applications for the ELLIS PhD Program
General information about the ELLIS PhD program
The ELLIS PhD program is a core instrument of ELLIS and supports excellent young researchers by pairing them with leading researchers and offering a variety of networking and training activities. The goal of ELLIS is to establish this program as the #1 brand in Europe. Junior ELLIS researchers are co-supervised by one ELLIS fellow/scholar/unit faculty and one ELLIS fellow/scholar/member, from different European countries. They conduct cutting-edge research in machine learning or a related research area and visit the exchange institution of the co-supervisor for an extended research stay (min. 6 months). Junior researchers can apply to the program following the yearly central call (new PhD students) as well as be nominated on a rolling basis.
For more information, take a look at the or send an email to phd@ellis.eu. You can also call for applications. apply here