Karin Wolff will visit UKP Lab on 31 March 2017
2017/03/30 by Yevgeniy Puzikov
, former vice-president and former minister of the federal state of Hesse (Germany), will visit Karin Wolff on 31 March 2017. UKP Lab
Ms. Wolff, and other UKP researchers will discuss their current work in the field of argumentation mining and intelligent information extraction. Prof. Iryna Gurevych
The topics to be discussed include:
– Automatic extraction of arguments from textual data.
– Detection and filtering of fake news.
– “Argotario”: a serious game for fallacy detection and argumentation competence training.
– IBM Watson: intelligent information search in the social web using deep learning.
– Discovering cultural heritage: a case study of ancient oriental culture.
– “BrightFutures” -- Artificial Intelligence helps to develop future scenarios.
Ms. Wolff will also attend “Adventures in Data Journalism”, a Workshop aiming at promoting computer science and equality in school education.