Workshop Computerassistierte Annotation textueller Phänomene
On November 6th 2015, the workshop “” will take place at the Lichtenberghaus, Technische Universität Darmstadt. About 30 participants from various German universities and research institutions will discuss methodologies and computer assisted methods for annotating a broad variety of textual phenomena. Computerassistierte Annotation textueller Phänomene
The workshop is organized by (Erik-Lân Do Dinh, Prof. Dr. Iryna Gurevych), UKP Lab (Malte Gerloff, Prof. Dr. Petra Gehring) and Philosophy (Alexandra Núñez, Prof. Dr. Andrea Rapp) departments, in cooperation with the Digital Philology (FIF). The program and further information is available at the link below. Forum for Interdiscipliary Research