DKPro Core 1.6.1 released

2014/06/27 by

We are pleased to announce the release of

DKPro Core, version 1.6.1 (ASL & GPL)

a collection of interoperable software components for natural language processing

(NLP) based on the Apache UIMA framework.

Changed requirements:

- UIMAJ SDK 2.6.0

- uimaFIT 2.1.0

Major improvements:

- Many writers cannot write to ZIP files

- Better support for reading/writing binary CAS formats

Major bug fixes:

- treetagger – NPE when explicitly specifying a model

- stanfordnlp – StanfordPosTagger not applying PTB3 escaping

A more detailed overview of the changes in this release can be found here

When upgrading, please mind that you should not mix different versions of DKPro

Core components in your projects – they may not be compatible with each other.