DKPro Core 1.6.0 released to Maven Central
2014/04/25 by Pedro Santos, for the DKPro Core development team
We are pleased to announce the release of
DKPro Core, version 1.6.0 (ASL & GPL)
a collection of interoperable software components for natural language processing (NLP) based on the Apache UIMA framework.
The release brings new modules to DKPro Core:
New components
- opennlp – OpenNLP chunker component added
New I/O components
- io.bliki – Reader for Wikipedia
- io.tiger – Writer for the Tiger XML format (also also supports semantic frame annotations)
Major upgrades
- clearnlp – ClearNLP 2.0.2
- stanfordnlp – Stanford CoreNLP 3.3.1 including the new CVG models
- treetagger – TT4J 1.1.2
- languagetool – LanguageTool 2.5
and many additional models are supported by various components.
DKPro Core requires now Java 7. A more detailed overview of the changes in this release can be found here
When upgrading, please mind that you should not mix different versions of DKPro Core components in your projects – they may not be compatible with each other.