LKE/KDSL Research Seminar: Dr. Margot Mieskes and Johannes Daxenberger


On Tuesday February 11th 2014, LKE/KDSL Research Seminar will feature two talks, with details as follows:

Dr. Margot Mieskes:

The Role of Arguments in Controversial Topic Summarization: Case study in German Education News Articles

Abstract: Educational policy is a highly controversial topic, as everybody attended school at one point or another and therefore feels competent enough to voice his or her opinion. So for each subtopic – e.g. 12 vs. 13 school years in Germany – there is a wide range of opinion is expressed across many documents. In such a situation it would be desirable to have a summary rather than having to read dozens of documents, which potentially contain the same information, to get an idea about the discussion. In a currently running experiment we want to examine how controversial documents can be summarized and what role arguments play in the manually generated summaries.

Johannes Daxenberger:

Analyzing Collaboration in Wikipedia with Edit Histories and Article Discussions

Abstract: In this talk, I will analyze connections between the edit history of a Wikipedia article and its discussion page. Based on the concept of edits (from edit histories) and turns (from discussion pages), I defined constraints for pairs of edits and turns to be correlated. Correlated edit-turn-pairs form a direct link between the development of an article and its background discussion. Using a manually annotated corpus of correlated and non-correlated edit-turn-pairs, I trained a system to automatically detect correlated edit-turn-pairs. This system is used to identify correlated edit-turn-pairs in previously unseen articles. I will draw some preliminary conclusions about the percentage of correlated edit-turn-pairs and the quality state of an article.