LKE/KDSL Research Seminar: Dr. Jungi Kim and Christian Stab


On Tuesday, January 14th 2014, Dr. Jungi Kim and Christian Stab will give talks at the LKE/KDSL Research Seminar.

Jungi Kim's talk will talk about “Translating Queries with Pseudo-Contextual Information for Cross-language Information Retrieval”.

Abstract: In this talk, I will introduce “Pseudo-context”-based query translation approaches for improving the cross-language information retrieval. I will propose two query translation approaches that utilize pseudo-contexts in the translation process, based on an machine translation (MT) system and a cross-lingual lexical substitution (CLLS) algorithm, followed by experiments demonstrating that the proposed query translation approaches significantly improve the cross-language retrieval performances over a baseline approach.

Christian Stab's talk is titled “Argumentative Writing Support”.

Abstract: Argumentative Writing Support is a particular type of Intelligent Writing Assistance that aims at providing feedback about written argumentation. This task includes the identification of argument components (e.g. claims and premises) as well as the generation of qualitative feedback. The availability of annotated corpora is a major bottleneck for identifying arguments in written texts. In this talk the preliminary results of an annotation study and a prospect of future work will be presented.