Tutorial on Linked Lexical Resources and UBY


Iryna Gurevych and Judith Eckle-Kohler will be giving a tutorial entitled

“The Practitioner's Cookbook for Linked Lexical Resources”

at the International Conference of the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology(GSCL) 2013 in Darmstadt. The <media 16980 – - “APPLIKATION, uby Tutorial GSCL2013, ubyTutorial_GSCL2013.pdf, 5.9 MB”>slides are available online (pdf)</media>.

Iryna Gurevych and Judith Eckle-Kohler held this tutorial just recently at RANLP 2013.

The tutorial covers the fundamental concepts of linked lexical resources and gives a practical hands-on introduction to the particular inked lexical resource UBY.