Easter Egg Hunt via Avatar
Students facilitate virtual Easter egg hunt for elementary school children
The MINT Club at Herzenbergschule in Hadamar organized a virtual Easter egg hunt on Easter Sunday. This was made possible by self-built robots that acted as avatars for the participating elementary school children. The software for remote control of the avatars was developed by five students at the Department of Computer Science as part of a semester project within their bachelor's programme.

Searching for Easter eggs together is a real challenge for children and parents during these special times. The MINT Club at Herzenbergschule Hadamar (Limburg-Weilburg district) therefore organized the Easter egg hunt virtually on Easter Sunday. Four self-made robots became avatars for this purpose. The robots allowed the children to explore a decorated classroom and solve the riddles hidden there. Over 50 children from the elementary school took part in the virtual Easter egg hunt, controlling their avatars from home.
The software for controlling the avatars was developed at the Department of Computer Science in the winter semester 2020/21 as part of a practical course for the student's bachelor's degree. The students Alexander Gottfried, Benedikt Mehl, Daniel Worringer, Michael Gense, and Tony Nguyen took over the software development for the children of the MINT Club Hadamar in an agile process. Meetings were held every two weeks to discuss the requirements for the software system, the user interface, and the development steps with the children. The students of the MINT-Club also took over the testing of the developed components and the approval of the functions in the end, whereby parents and grandparents were always gladly involved.
Christoph Braun, head of the MINT-Club Hadamar, and Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Heenes from the Department of Computer Science were in charge of the project. The software components developed during the semester project are to be further developed in the future and used in the training of future teachers. Contact for those interested in the project is Mr. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Heenes.
Further Information
Report about the Easter egg hunt in public broadcasting service Hessenschau on April 4, 2021 (German only)