New at the Department: Professor Amir Moradi
Cybersecurity with a focus on implementation security
2023/10/05 by Die Fragen stellte Patrick Bal
Amir Moradi is a new professor in the Department of Computer Science. His area of research is IT security, in particular implementation security. The 44-year-old scientist previously worked at the University of Cologne and the Ruhr University Bochum. On the occasion of his start at the TU, we asked Professor Moradi a few questions:
Why should students be interested in your subject? What makes it exciting?
My research and teaching deal with practical aspects of IT security, in particular the implementation of cryptographic primitives on hardware and software platforms. This means that students are confronted with real-world challenges when cryptography is used in applications that run on everyday devices such as mobile phones, car key fobs, etc. Students who attend my lectures or write their thesis in my group usually gain knowledge and expertise that is useful for their future career, be it as a Ph.D. student or as an expert in cryptographic applications in industry.
Interdisciplinarity is very important at TU Darmstadt. Where in your field of work are there interfaces to other disciplines?
My research is interdisciplinary, more precisely between computer science and digital electronics. To do a good job in my research area, a researcher needs sound knowledge in different areas such as cryptography, signal processing, stochastics, digital circuit design, computer architecture, Boolean algebra, and so on. This makes my research both challenging and interesting for many scientists.
In which department of the TU would you like to spend a day? And why?
To be honest, I would be very interested in spending some time with the researchers in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (ETIT). This would allow me to build a bridge between my group and the researchers working on challenges in digital electronics and embedded systems.